UK officials test Photoblocker™ Spray!
It can be reported that UK authorities have recently tested Photoblocker™ Spray for effectiveness after receiving pressure from traders.
Local Authority Trading Standards Officials with the cooperation of the Police and local Safety Camera Partnerships have conducted tests using Photoblocker™. When asked for an official reply no one would comment?
However, an official, who does not want to be identified, told us “several tests were carried out using Photoblocker™ Spray which proved to show that the product surprisingly worked”.
“A range of controlled tests were carried out using static cameras. Tests included driving through cameras at various speeds and at different hours of the day and night. Although some pictures taken did reveal the number plate it can be said that not all number plates could be easily identified. However, tests have shown that it is most effective during low light levels”.
In conclusion, it was confirmed that “Photoblocker™ works” leaving officials powerless to act.