Hi Photoblocker™,
I am so glad that I became a Photoblocker™ dealer for South Africa. I never thought I could turn a $1000.00 investment into $45,000.00. It all happened rather quickly and it was very exciting.
I was interviewed on our national radio stations last night – Cape Talk Radio and Radio 702 – and was meant to be on for only 15 minutes. After 2 hours they had to eventually shut us down as it was midnight and the next show needed to start – but people just wouldn’t stop phoning in. You would have loved to hear the callers – they just didn’t stop. And we even had someone phoning in all the way from Brazil – and he says they desperately need it there. The DJ was fantastic as he kept pumping my website (Photoblocker™.co.za) and has overloaded me with deliveries today. It was an overwhelming response from motorists. This whole talk show came from an article that appeared in the Weekend Argus and from several TV shows featuring Photoblocker™.
Your suggestion to send press releases to the media was ingenious. I took and modified the press release you sent me and emailed it to all the media contacts in South Africa. Within days, I was contacted by reporters who wanted to do a story on Photoblocker™. From print, to radio, to TV they all were very supportive. I could tell that the reporters were having fun with it. Every time Photoblocker™ was mentioned on TV, sales would explode for weeks. It’s been 3 months and demand is still strong.
I just want to say thank you for a great product and excellent support. All the DVDs, the posters, the display boxes and the flyers you have supplied were very helpful. Thanks again and let’s sell some more Photoblocker™.
Can you send me an invoice for 5000 cans, please? I will need the invoice before I do the bank transfer. Also, do I get any special discount as this would take my orders into the 11,000 level???